Monday, November 3, 2008

Everything is Taken Care

Hi folks,

Yesterday we had a Star satsang , and the star is Vasanthi Srinivasan one of the Senior Art of Living teachers. She is so simple ,natural and very good devotee. She was Sharing experiences of GuruDev in her early days of Art of Living, Gurudev Himself gave training to her for the botherations( learning the Art) she had..He made her understand simple things but which are profound.Every time she brings a question He will ask her to sit and ponder on "who is asking the question?"..after sitting for some time and going through all the feelings ..she got an answer of "Simpliy just be ".

The way she definied MAYA(illusion) is awesome .."We look for happiness either in past or future,both past and future are not there NOW at present .So which is not there now and thinking it is there is MAYA" .
She took us a process where we were all just being with ourself .
At that time I was getting calls from my friend Morthy , I have invited him for the satsang but He was lost some i just thought "Guruji ,take care of Morthy" . I ve finished the process , feeling good and natural after her guru stories ..I tried calling Morthy after Her sharing and I found Morthy just behind me wishing me Jai Guru Dev..! I was just jumping there and felt "Everything is taken care..!"



Anonymous said...

ha rite :) Hope you had great fun today

i went to the satsang in Sonex towers!! Wow!! awesome she talked about Bhagavat Gita!! :) realy great!!


Anonymous said...

please do look our blog i have copy pasted Q n A from yours :)

Jai Gurudev!